Summary Care Records

If you are registered with a GP practice in the England, you will already have a summary care record (SCR). It will obtain key information about the medicines you are talking, allergies you suffer from and any adverse reactions to medicines you have had in the past.

Information about your healthcare may not be routinely shared across different healthcare organisations and systems. You may need to be treated by health and care professionals who do not know your medical history. Essential details about your healthcare can be difficult to remember, particularly when you are unwell or have complex care needs.

You have a choice

You have a choice what information you would like to share and with whom. Authorised healthcare staff can only view your SCR with your permission. The information shared will solely be used for the benefit of your care.

If you would like to opt-out of the summary care record, please complete our Summary Care Record Opt-out Form.

If you choose not to complete the consent form, a core Summary Record (SCR) will be created for you, which will contain only medications, allergies and adverse reactions.

For more information on summary care records please visit the NHS website at:

You can also visit the NHS Digital website at:

Or alternatively call the helpline on: 0300 303 5678