Jamie Bloye
Medical Secretary - Female
Dawn Brewer
Practice Manager - Female
Dr E Charlwood, MBChB MRCGP DRCOG DFRSH (Sheffield 2001)
GP Partner - Female
Jordan Clover
Administrator/ Receptionist - Female
Georgina Crew
Practice Nurse - Female
Rachael Dilley
Assistant Practice Manager - Female
Susan Dines
Administrator/ Receptionist - Female
Helen Gower
PA to Practice Manager - Female
Suzanne Green
Lead Practice Nurse - Female
Namita Gurung
Healthcare Assistant - Female
Algida Jani
Phlebotomist - Female
Rachel Jones
Healthcare Assistant - Female
Dr L Joslin, BSC (Hons), MBCHB, MRCEM, MRCGP
GP Partner - Female
Dr S Kacker, MBBS DFFP DCH Dip Occ Med MRCGP
GP Partner - Female
Marina Lillistone
Administrator/ Receptionist - Female
Dr Hugo Matson, MBChB MRCGP MRes
GP - Male
Magdalena Nowak
Medical Secretary - Female
Rachael Pearce
Administrator / Receptionist - Female
Kelly Rideout
Office/Reception Manager - Female
Irene Saunders
Practice Nurse - Female
Kerry Tidy
Administrator/ Receptionist - Female
Dr S Vickers, MBChB DRCOG MRCGP (University of Sheffield)
GP Partner - Male
Amanda Whitfield
Administrator / Receptionist - Female
Anna Wiercigroch
Administrator/ Receptionist - Female
Dr E Williams, (MB BS 2006 University of London)
GP - Female
Dr S Xavier, MB BS DRCOG MRCGP (St Thomas’ Hospital 1993)
GP Partner - Female
Every patient has a named GP and can express a preference about the GP they are assigned to.